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What happens if I delete my account?

What happens when I delete my Luxauro account?

What will happen when you delete your Luxauro account? Can you transfer your account info and order history to a new account? In this post we will go over: 

  • What transfers when you delete your old account and create a new account
  • What is lost when you delete your old account and create a new account

First of all before we get started if you want to transfer anything from one account to another you MUST CONTACT THE ADMIN, see our article here on contacting Luxauro.com or just email us at admin@luxauro.com, you will be required to verify your account ownership before we proceed with the deletion of your old account and transfer of info to a new account.

Info that transfers when you delete an old account and transfer to a new account:

  • posts
  • products
  • product data

Info that is lost when you transfer your old account to a new account:

  • orders and order history
  • public profile and profile data including timeline, photos videos, and everything related to your public profile
  • account details, saved payment methods, support tickets, account settings etc.
  • vendor account and store settings, vendor subscription, etc.
  • messages between connections, connections, group messages, etc.
  • if it is not listed as being able to transfer between accounts most likely it is lost when your old account is deleted

In general be careful and know exactly what you are doing when you delete old accounts and transfer the data to a new account.