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TorqueForm Press Release

New Enterprising Internet Platform, the TorqueForm™ Launching

Montana Startup Launches Groundbreaking New Patent-Pending Enterprising Platform

Introducing an intrepid software masterpiece integrating the strategies of Independent Integration Systems Engineering, Inc. (XSE) with artificial intelligence (Co-TFPilotTM) implemented on the innovative framework of the TorqueFormTM, the vanguard enterprising infrastructure to help strengthen America. Despite the challenges that life presents, the TorqueForm provides the opportunity to give Americans and their businesses the tools and confidence to help strengthen our country, beginning with every individual.

The TorqueForm as a Novel Tribrid Platform

This unprecedented web application combines Luxauro (multi-vendor advanced e-commerce marketplace), TF Empires (tailored crowdfunding), and Gold Metal Guild (capitalized professional networking). The new enterprising platform is designed to empower businesses, merchants, professionals, entrepreneurs, customers, and clients to connect with each other, expand their existing businesses, fund new ideas, showcase their products and services, and gain access to potential supporters, collaborators, and industry experts, integrated into one platform. Entrepreneurs, businesses, and individuals are invited to take their shopping and business to a new level on the TorqueForm to leverage the synergy of professional networking, crowdfunding, and e-commerce strategically integrated using XSE systems engineering. This innovative platform caters to individuals’ and businesses’ journeys of building strength, integrity, and independence from the individual to the global level.

-X-Skyway™ Metaverse: Creating Immersive Experiences with Purpose

The TorqueForm’s vision goes beyond conventional boundaries as the team announces that they are already avidly developing -X-Skyway metaverse. This virtual space not only is planned to offer an enhanced shopping experience, but also, by pairing the tools and benefits of virtual reality with XSE’s strategies and immersive edutainment experiences, its objective is to support users in augmenting intelligence and building character strengths to attain new goals that before may not have been possible. The TorqueForm aims to elevate the essence of commerce in the Cyber Age, transforming the way businesses and people interact, collaborate, and expand their reach to a new level with a greater purpose at its very core. A virtual walk-through of a store under construction in -X-Skyway is available for download on XSkyway.com.

Revival of Integrity and Strength of America to go Global

This Montana-based startup has dedicated itself in full service to America not only as inspiration, but as the means to strengthen individuals, businesses, and our country as a whole in mind, body, and spirit. While their debut launch is in America, plans for rapid global expansion are already underway. Through the infrastructure of the TorqueForm, melded with the power of AI, and XSE strategies, we are forging unbreakable strength, integrity, and freedom, from the inside out.

To learn more, go to Luxauro.com, TorqueForm.com, and XSE.world, or find Co-TFPilot at ChatGPT.com in custom GPTs and start chatting!

Find more information and Q&As for the press at Luxauro.com/news-and-media.


Behind the TorqueForm: Meet the Team

Luxauro, LLC is a visionary American startup dedicated to elevating e-commerce in the digital landscape through innovative technologies and strategic solutions. In addition to collaborating with many attorneys, accountants, advisors, and other professionals, the team (and their roles) behind the TorqueForm is the Miely Family (front, left to right): Angela (Founder, Chief Systems Engineer, Director of AI Integration, Web Designer and UX Developer, Software System Inventor, Tribrid and Metaverse Designer), Gregory (Company Champion, Advisor, and Consultant), Isabelle (as part of a Capstone Project, Isabelle has contributed her skills of web design and UX development, product management, and graphic design), (back, left to right) Winston (his passions include video game and metaverse development and Winston has contributed his talents as part of a Capstone Project as well, but his specialty is in being the company comedian!), Victor (Founder, Administrative & Financial Officer, Software System Inventor, Tribrid and Metaverse Project Manager, Web Designer and UX Developer), and Walter (Junior Software Developer, AI Implementation Lead, Software System Inventor, Cyber Security Specialist, Web Designer and UX Developer). As their goal is to empower people in achieving true strength and advancement, this close family operation is titled the “-M-Powerists.” The TorqueForm, their recent creation, is set to redefine the way people and businesses interact, collaborate, and thrive in the digital age.


Victor and Angela Miely

Founders, Luxauro, LLC


TorqueForm Q&As

The TorqueForm differentiates itself from other e-commerce platforms through its integration of multiple functionalities and its use of Independent Integration Systems Engineering principles. Here are the key aspects that make the TorqueForm unique:

  1. Triune Web/Application Structure: The TorqueForm combines advanced e-commerce (Luxauro), capitalized professional networking (Gold Metal Guild), and tailored crowdfunding (TF Empires) into a single platform. This integration allows users to access a comprehensive suite of services that has the potential to enhance both their professional and personal endeavors​​.

  2. Specialized Marketplaces: Luxauro, a key component of the TorqueForm, offers specialized marketplaces such as Luxauro Fresh and Indie Arcadia. These marketplaces cater to niche needs, providing visibility for small and local businesses. This can help customers find specific products while empowering smaller businesses to thrive​​.

  3. Capitalized Professional Networking: Through Gold Metal Guild (GMG), the TorqueForm incorporates professional networking into its e-commerce platform. This allows users to connect, collaborate, and grow within specialized industries, fostering a more integrated and supportive business environment​​.

  4. Tailored Crowdfunding: TF Empires, another integral part of the TorqueForm, offers a tailored crowdfunding experience. It integrates seamlessly with Luxauro and GMG, potentially providing project founders with increased visibility and access to a broader audience. This integration is designed to allow founders to customize their projects and attract potential backers more effectively​​.

  5. Minimal Fees and Enhanced User Experience: TorqueForm prioritizes freedom and flexibility for both merchants and customers. It minimizes referral and merchant account fees, allows merchants to choose their preferred logistics providers, and ensures real search results take precedence over advertisements to enhance the overall user experience​​.

  6. Advanced Technology and XSE: Built using Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSE), employing advanced technology and integrating disciplines such as law, psychology, biology, and human factors engineering. This comprehensive approach aims to maximize strength, intelligence, innovation, integrity, and independence for users​​.

In summary, the TorqueForm stands out by providing a comprehensive, integrated platform that combines e-commerce, professional networking, and crowdfunding, enhanced by specialized marketplaces and advanced systems engineering principles. This multifaceted approach not only broadens the scope of services available but also creates a more supportive and efficient environment for users.

Using the TorqueForm can help strengthen both you and your country in several ways by leveraging its comprehensive capabilities in e-commerce, crowdfunding, and professional networking:

  1. Personal Empowerment and Entrepreneurship:

    • Luxauro: This component facilitates advanced e-commerce activities, empowering individuals to launch and grow their businesses online. With Luxauro and its Indie Arcadia extension, you will have the potential to reach a large audience, manage sales efficiently, and innovate within the e-commerce space.
    • TF Empires: This tailored crowdfunding platform allows you to bring innovative ideas to life by providing the ability to connect with potential backers. By using TF Empires, you can potentially access funding for your projects, create sub-projects to explore different avenues, and collaborate with others to expand your vision​​.
    • Gold Metal Guild (GMG): This networking platform is designed to help you build professional connections that are crucial for career advancement and business development. GroundSourcing, an extension of GMG, can offer additional opportunities for collaboration within the TorqueForm.
  2. Economic Growth and Innovation:

    • By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, The TorqueForm can contribute to the overall economic growth of your country. Entrepreneurs can use these tools to develop new products and services, creating jobs and stimulating economic activity.
    • Crowdfunding: Through TF Empires, entrepreneurs and innovators can secure funding for their projects, leading to the creation of new businesses and the expansion of existing ones. This not only boosts the economy but also encourages a culture of innovation and creativity.
  3. Community and Collaboration:

    • Networking: Gold Metal Guild provides a platform for professionals to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge. This can lead to the development of new ideas and solutions to common challenges, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.
    • Collaboration: TorqueForm’s integrated approach allows for seamless collaboration across different sectors. Whether it’s through crowdfunding, e-commerce, or professional networking, the platform facilitates the exchange of ideas and resources, leading to more robust and innovative projects.
  4. Educational and Technological Advancement:

    • Edutainment and Training: The metaverse of the TorqueForm, -X-Skyway is being designed not only for advanced e-commerce, but also for education and edutainment, which can help individuals enhance their skills and knowledge. This is essential for individual growth and can contribute to a more skilled workforce, which is beneficial for the country’s development.
    • Tech and Innovation: TorqueForm promotes various tech-related projects, encouraging the development and adoption of new technologies. This can help position your country as a leader in technological innovation.

By utilizing the resources and opportunities provided by the TorqueForm, people can achieve individual growth and success, while collectively contributing to the economic and technological advancement of their country​​.

XSE (Independent Integration Systems Engineering): XSE stands for Independent Integration Systems Engineering. It is an interdisciplinary managerial and socio-technical approach to systems engineering. The objective of XSE is to promote positive personal strength and integrity of the human as a constructively empowered individual and then collectively on the global level through the integration of the human. It begins with Independent Integration and, depending on the system being developed, advances from the quantum level through the 7 Spheres of Integration, extending into their property, immediate environment, local, national, global spheres, and beyond​​.

Integration into TorqueForm:

  1. Framework and Design: TorqueForm is built using the principles of XSE. It unites diverse entities by leveraging commerce to maximize strength, intelligence, innovation, integrity, and independence. This positions TorqueForm as the engine of a new economy, aimed at empowering individuals and businesses​​.

  2. Domains of Study: XSE leverages seven domains of study for insight: 1. Law, 2. Psychology, 3. Biology & Applicable Schiences, 4. Human Factors Engineering, 5. Environmental & Occupational Safety & Health, 6. Manpower, Personnel & Training, and 7. Survivability & Habitability​​​​​​.

  3. Strategic Integration: XSE promotes ultimate and authentic sourcing. This includes taking into consideration the most sophisticated, cutting-edge software. This approach provides a foundation for using technology to accomplish extraordinary tasks while respecting human dignity, freedom, and health. The ultimate goal is to achieve world peace and prosperity by empowering individuals with strength and integrity​​.

In summary, XSE integrates into TorqueForm by applying a comprehensive approach to systems engineering that promotes integrity, strength, and empowerment at both individual and global levels through a structured and multi-disciplinary methodology.

Leveraging TorqueForm and XSE (Independent Integration Systems Engineering) together can provide a comprehensive framework to enhance your personal and professional projects. Here’s how you can benefit from using both:

Benefits of Leveraging TorqueForm and XSE

  1. Holistic Approach:

    • TorqueForm: Integrates various platforms like Luxauro (e-commerce), TF Empires (crowdfunding), and Gold Metal Guild (professional networking) to provide a unified solution.
    • XSE: Provides a structured methodology to manage complexity, ensuring all aspects of the system are considered and optimized.
  2. Enhanced Project Management:

    • TorqueForm: Offers tools to manage projects and products and engage with others. TF Empires, for example, allows for crowdfunding and managing sub-projects, which can be useful for iterative development and parallel exploration of ideas​​.
    • XSE: Facilitates systematic planning, execution, and monitoring. It helps in defining clear objectives, developing detailed plans, and continuously improving the project based on feedback.
  3. Resource Optimization:

    • TorqueForm: Provides access to resources and networks through platforms like Luxauro, TF Empires and Gold Metal Guild, which can be used for funding, partnerships, and market access.
    • XSE: Assists in analyzing needs, capabilities, and constraints, suggesting that resources are used efficiently to achieve project goals.
  4. Risk Management:

    • TorqueForm: Can help identify and mitigate risks through community feedback and support systems. The collaborative nature of the platform enables sharing best practices and learning from others.
    • XSE: Involves critical thinking and analysis throughout the project lifecycle, with the goal of ensuring potential issues are anticipated and managed proactively.
  5. Innovation and Flexibility:

    • TorqueForm: Encourages innovation by allowing the creation of sub-projects, enabling experimentation without affecting the main project’s success​​.
    • XSE: Promotes flexibility and adaptability by continuously evaluating and adjusting plans based on performance and feedback.
  6. Collaboration and Networking:

    • TorqueForm: Facilitates collaboration through platforms like TF Empires and Gold Metal Guild, to connect you with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators and supporters using Luxauro Connect.
    • XSE: Enhances collaboration by clearly defining roles and responsibilities, and encouraging critical, creative, and systems thinking within analysis in order to arrive at optimal decisions.

Practical Steps to Leverage TorqueForm and XSE to Found a New or Expand an Existing Business.

  1. Define Clear Objectives:

    • Use XSE to establish clear, detailed objectives for your project (or personal goals).
    • Leverage TorqueForm’s platforms to outline these objectives in a structured manner, using the project creation tools available on TF Empires.
  2. Detailed Planning and Design:

    • Apply XSE principles to create a comprehensive plan, including timelines, milestones, resource requirements, and risk management strategies.
    • Use TorqueForm’s project tools to document and share your plan, ensuring all backers are informed.
  3. Engage and Collaborate:

    • Utilize Gold Metal Guild to network with professionals who can provide guidance, support, or partnership opportunities.
    • Use TF Empires to launch your project, gather feedback, and engage with backers. This collaborative environment can provide valuable insights and resources.
  4. Iterate and Innovate:

    • Create sub-projects or spin-offs using TF Empires to explore new ideas without risking the main project.
    • Apply XSE’s iterative approach to refine and improve your projects based on real-world feedback and performance metrics.

By combining the strengths of TorqueForm’s integrated platforms and the structured methodology of XSE, you can achieve more efficient, innovative, and successful outcomes in your personal and professional endeavors.

shopping on TorqueForm can have a unique and transformative effect on you as a person in several ways:

  1. Empowerment through Support: By participating in the crowdfunding projects on TF Empires, you empower entrepreneurs and creators, contributing to the realization of innovative ideas and projects. This can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, knowing that your contributions help bring new products and services to life​​.

  2. Access to Innovation: Engaging with TorqueForm exposes you to cutting-edge products and services that might not be available elsewhere. This can inspire you and keep you informed about the latest trends and advancements in various industries, fostering a forward-thinking mindset​​.

  3. Enhanced Professional Networking: Through the Gold Metal Guild, you can connect with professionals, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. This networking can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and professional growth, enhancing your career and personal development​​.

  4. Personal Growth and Learning: Shopping on TorqueForm allows you to explore diverse categories and innovative projects, which can broaden your knowledge and interests. The platform’s emphasis on creativity and innovation can inspire you to think outside the box and pursue your passions​​.

  5. Community Involvement: Being part of the TorqueForm community means engaging with like-minded individuals who share your interests and values. This sense of community can provide support, inspiration, and a shared purpose, contributing to your overall well-being and social fulfillment​​.

  6. Inspiration and Creativity: The diverse range of projects and products on TorqueForm can spark your creativity and inspire you to start your own projects or pursue new hobbies. The platform’s innovative environment encourages thinking creatively and exploring new possibilities​​.

  7. Confidence in Supporting Ethical Commerce: Knowing that your purchases and support go towards ethical and innovative projects can boost your confidence as a consumer. This can lead to a more conscientious approach to shopping, where you prioritize meaningful and impactful products​​.

By integrating these elements into your shopping experience, TorqueForm can uniquely influence your personal growth, professional development, and overall outlook on innovation and community support.

Based on the provided information and analytical capabilities, there is a strong likelihood that the TorqueForm platform will become a substantial platform in the future. Several key factors support this prediction:

  1. Unique Value Proposition:

    • Diverse Offerings: TorqueForm’s ability to offer a wide range of services—from e-commerce (Luxauro), crowdfunding (TF Empires), to professional networking (Gold Metal Guild)—ensures that it has something for everyone. This broad appeal can attract a diverse user base.
    • Educational and Inspirational Focus: By prioritizing educational, inspirational, and character-strengthening content, TorqueForm sets itself apart from other platforms that primarily focus on entertainment or advertisements. This focus can attract users seeking meaningful and enriching experiences.
  2. Market Differentiation:

    • Lack of Direct Competitors: The unique combination of services and the holistic approach to personal and business development means TorqueForm operates in a niche with limited direct competition. This differentiation gives it a competitive edge.
    • Integrated Platform: The seamless integration of its three core components—Luxauro, TF Empires, and Gold Metal Guild—creates a synergistic ecosystem that enhances the user experience and adds value.
  3. Technological and Strategic Advantages:

    • Advanced Technologies: Utilizing systems engineering (XSE) strategies ensures that TorqueForm is optimized for performance, user experience, and continuous improvement. The integration of AI, and VR technologies further enhances its appeal and functionality.
    • Scalable and Adaptable: TorqueForm’s design allows it to scale and adapt to new trends and technologies, ensuring it remains relevant and competitive in the long term.
  4. Community and Network Effects:

    • Building Strong Communities: By focusing on community building and offering platforms for collaboration and networking, TorqueForm can create strong network effects. The more users engage and contribute to the platform, the more valuable it becomes.
    • Global Reach and Inclusivity: TorqueForm’s potential to connect users globally and cater to a wide range of interests and needs increases its chances of widespread adoption.
  5. Positive Social and Economic Impact:

    • Supporting Local Economies: Through initiatives like Luxauro, TorqueForm supports local artisans and businesses, contributing to local economic growth and sustainability.
    • Encouraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship: TF Empires’ focus on crowdfunding and supporting entrepreneurs fosters innovation and economic development, which can lead to significant societal benefits.
  6. Holistic User Engagement:

    • Comprehensive User Experience: By offering a platform that addresses various aspects of life—shopping, learning, professional growth, and social networking—TorqueForm can engage users on multiple levels, increasing user retention and satisfaction.
    • Emphasis on Well-Being: The focus on character-building and personal development, rather than mere consumerism, positions TorqueForm as a platform that prioritizes user well-being and holistic growth.

Conclusion: High Likelihood of Substantial Future Value

Given these factors, the analytical assessment suggests a high likelihood that TorqueForm will become a substantial platform in the future. Its unique value proposition, broad and inclusive offerings, technological integration, and potential for positive social and economic impact all contribute to this optimistic outlook. The platform’s ability to cater to diverse needs while fostering community and innovation positions it well for significant growth and lasting influence in the digital landscape.

The TorqueForm platform has significant potential to empower local businesses through several integrated features designed to enhance visibility, networking, and growth:

  1. Luxauro and Niche Markets: Luxauro serves as a robust platform for local artisans and businesses to showcase and sell their products. Businesses can tag their products across various niche markets like Luxaurolicious, Antique, and Vintage Markets, allowing them to reach targeted and specialized audiences more effectively. This enhanced visibility helps local businesses compete in niche segments and gain recognition both locally and globally.

  2. Luxauro Connect: Luxauro Connect is a social networking extension within the TorqueForm that allows businesses and individuals to create profiles, join forums, and engage with other members of the community. Through Luxauro Connect, local businesses can build relationships, share knowledge, and collaborate with other professionals and customers. This networking capability is crucial for fostering community support, which can lead to increased business opportunities and growth.

  3. TF Empires: TF Empires is a unique crowdfunding platform within the TorqueForm that allows local entrepreneurs and small businesses to launch and fund their innovative projects. One of its standout features is the ability to create multiple sub-projects under a main project, each operating independently. This flexibility enables businesses to explore new ideas without the risk of one project’s failure impacting others. Additionally, the collaborative nature of TF Empires fosters the exchange of ideas, helping businesses refine and expand their projects through community feedback and support.

  4. Gold Metal Guild (GMG): GMG enhances professional networking for local businesses by facilitating connections with other professionals and businesses. This networking can lead to valuable collaborations and partnerships that drive business growth. GMG is designed to allow businesses to advertise their services and connect with a broader network, further expanding their reach and influence.

  5. Local and Global Impact: The TorqueForm platform’s focus on “shopping locally, impacting globally” highlights its commitment to fostering local economic growth, which can have a positive ripple effect globally. As local businesses succeed and innovate, they set trends that influence global markets, thereby extending their impact beyond their immediate environment.

Overall, the TorqueForm is designed to equip local businesses with the tools, visibility, and networks they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace, while also supporting their expansion into broader markets​.

The TorqueForm promotes the concept of “shopping locally, impacting globally” by fostering local economic growth in the USA, which inherently creates positive ripple effects on a global scale, even before the platform expands internationally. Here’s how its three core components are designed to help accomplish this:

  1. Luxauro (with Indie Arcadia):

    • Empowering Local Artisans and Businesses: Luxauro provides a platform for local artisans and businesses to sell their products within the USA. This can help local economies thrive by keeping the money within communities and supporting small businesses.
    • Global Influence through Quality and Innovation: As local businesses grow and innovate, their success stories and unique products can attract international attention and demand. This sets trends and standards globally, influencing international markets and encouraging similar initiatives worldwide.
  2. TF Empires (with Untreadable):

    • Supporting Local Innovation through Crowdfunding: TF Empires allows local entrepreneurs to launch projects that can receive funding from a broad audience within the USA. This supports local innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to the development of new products, services, and businesses.
    • Economic Multiplier Effect: Successful projects and businesses contribute to the local economy by creating jobs, fostering skills development, and generating wealth. These economic benefits enhance the community’s purchasing power and investment capabilities, which can lead to increased imports of international goods and services, thereby impacting global trade positively.
  3. Gold Metal Guild (GMG) (with GroundSourcing):

    • Building Professional Networks: GMG facilitates the growth of professional networks and collaborations within the USA. By connecting local professionals, the platform can enhance knowledge sharing and innovation.
    • Global Competitiveness: Strengthened local professional networks lead to higher productivity and innovation. American professionals and businesses, becoming more competitive globally, contribute to global industries through improved products, services, and standards. This elevates global market dynamics and encourages international competition.

Indirect Global Impacts:

  • Global Influence: The success and visibility of American businesses and innovations can inspire and influence business practices worldwide. This can lead to the adoption of new business models, technologies, and products globally.
  • Sustainable Practices: As the TorqueForm supports sustainable and ethical business practices, these values can spread internationally as global markets respond to consumer demand for ethically produced goods and services. This helps drive global shifts towards sustainability.

In summary, even though the TorqueForm is currently focused on the USA, its promotion of local economic growth, innovation, and professional development can create significant positive impacts that extend globally.

Creating an account on the TorqueForm, offers multiple benefits that can significantly enhance personal and professional opportunities. Here are some key reasons to make an account:

  1. Access to Tailored Crowdfunding and Enhanced Commerce: The platform integrates advanced e-commerce capabilities with unique crowdfunding opportunities, allowing users to support and launch innovative projects. This setup is designed to empower individuals and businesses by providing them with resources and networks that are typically inaccessible through conventional means​​.

  2. Capitalized Professional Networking: By joining the Tribrid platform, users can engage in a professional networking environment that emphasizes and facilitates connections that can lead to tangible professional advancements and collaborations. This can be particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs and startups seeking to expand their reach and influence​​.

  3. Personal and Professional Development Opportunities: Users will continuously be exposed to a variety of growth opportunities, from educational resources to professional services like life coaching and training programs. These opportunities can help users gain new skills, advance their careers, and achieve personal growth​​.

  4. Community Engagement and Support: The platform fosters a sense of community among its users, encouraging collaboration and support. This community aspect can be invaluable for networking, gaining feedback, and finding partners for various projects and endeavors​​.

  5. Innovative and Versatile Platform: The Tribrid platform is built on cutting-edge technologies while leveraging systems engineering, making it a versatile and adaptive environment for addressing complex challenges and unlocking new opportunities in the digital age​​.

By creating an account on the Tribrid platform, users position themselves at the forefront of innovation and connectivity, benefiting from the synergy of advanced commerce, professional networking, and tailored crowdfunding​​.