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Terms and Policies

Luxauro Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy

Updated: 06/20/2024

For individual products’ applicable return, refund, & cancellation policy, please click “Warranty Policy” found on each specific product page.

Welcome to the TorqueForm (Luxauro, Gold Metal Guild, and TF Empires) (“we,” “us,” “our”), your reliable Tribrid online marketplace for shoppers, Merchants, Professionals, and Founders to work together and advance each other. For more information, see our Returns and Refunds FAQs. We understand that sometimes a product or service may not quite meet expectations. In line with our goal and mission, Merchants, Professionals, and Founders are responsible for ensuring the quality of the products they sell, services they offer, and projects they found. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, validity, quality, safety, morality, or legality of any of the products sold, services offered, or projects or associated rewards founded on our platform. We are not liable for any damages or losses related to your use of the Site or Platform Services. We will not become involved in any dispute between Users, Merchants, Professionals, Founders, Contributors, or between Users and any third party relating to the use of the Site or Platform Services.

Should an item(s) arrive damaged, degraded, destroyed, unusable, not as depicted or described, or where the item did not arrive at all, please first contact the Merchant regarding any return, refund, or product replacement request and consult individual Merchants’ return, refund, and cancellation policies found on each specific Merchant’s store page and on each individual Product page. If a Professional Service does not meet up to your expectations in any way, please first contact the GMG Professional regarding any refund and consult the GMG Professional’s Professional Service Contract. If you have already contacted the Merchant or GMG Professional in regards to a potential return, refund, or product replacement and you have not received a response from the Merchant or GMG Professional within seventy-two (72) hours, you may contact us at Luxauro.com/contact. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees that any Merchant or GMG Professional will accept a return or issue a refund or product replacement. Unless otherwise defined in this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy, terms used in this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy have the same meanings as in our Tribrid Terms of Use.


  1. Client,”Customer,” Purchaser,” or “Buyer” refers to anyone who uses Our Site or Platform Services (including in order to contact a GMG Professional) and engages in a transaction with a Merchant, Professional, or Founder on the Site or through the Platform Services;
  2. “Content” refers, without limitation, to any and all software, technology, designs, materials, information, communications, text, graphics, links, electronic art, animations, illustrations, artwork, audio clips, video clips, photos, images, reviews, ideas, and other data or copyrightable materials or Content, including the selection and arrangements thereof offered through Our Site and Platform Services;
  3. Contract” refers to the contract for the sale and purchase of the Goods or the supply and acquisition of the Professional Services on the Site or through the Platform Services;
  4. “Contributors” or “Backers” refers to those Users who pledge to contribute any funds to a Project;
  5. “Contributions” refers to any funds donated to a Project by a Contributor;
  6. Cookie Policy” refers to Luxauro’s Cookie Policy, available at https://Luxauro.com/cookie-policy/ or TF EmpiresCookie Policy, available at https://TFEmpires.com/cookie-policy/ and incorporated herein by reference;
  7. “Delivery Address” refers to the address stated on the Order;
  8. “DMCA” refers to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, including any amendments;
  9. Founder” or “Project Owner” refers to any User who starts and subsequently receives approval from Us for a TF Empires Project through Our Site or Platform Services;
  10. “Gold Metal Guild,” or “GMG” refers to the Tribrid platform’s professional network portion of the Site and Platform Services;
  11. Gold Metal Guild Professional,” “GMG Professional,” “GMG Pro,”Professional,” or “Pro” refers to any User who has applied for and received approval for a Merchant account on the Luxauro platform in order to offer Professional Services for hire on the GMG Professional Network;
  12. “Gold Metal Guild Services,” “GMG Pro Services,” or “Professional Services” refers to the services that GMG Professionals offer to Users of the Tribrid;
  13. “Gold Seal Specials” refers to the preset Professional Service packages that GMG Professionals can create for Users’ convenience for those Users who prefer a simplified Professional Service package rather than entering into a more unique or tailored service contract with a GMG Professional;
  14. “Goods” refers to the goods (including any installment of the goods or any part of them) described in the Order;
  15. “Infringement” refers to the unauthorized, that is, not permitted use of copyrighted material or other intellectual property rights;
  16. “Intellectual property rights” refers to patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, trade dress, and trade secrets, but not privacy or publicity rights;
  17. “Luxauro” refers to the Tribrid platform’s e-commerce portion of the Site and Platform Services;
  18. Luxauro Charter” or “Charter” refers to any bookable product, that is, any product that is offered for rent by a Merchant;
  19. “Marks” refers to the trademarks, trade dress, service marks, and logos used and displayed on the Site or through the Platform Services or in any Tribrid Content;
  20. Merchant,” “Vendor,” “Seller,” or “Service Provider” refers to any User who has applied for and received approval for a Merchant account on the Luxauro platform. A Merchant is authorized to engage in one or more of the following activities:

    1. Selling products;
    2. Renting products;
    3. Offering Professional Services for hire;
  21. “Order” refers to the Client’s purchase order to which these Terms are annexed;
  22. “PII” refers to personally identifiable information, as that term is defined under all applicable laws;
  23. “Platform Services” refers to the Tribrid Site(s), mobile applications or connected applications and any and all other offerings and services provided on the Site;
  24. “Price” refers to the price of the Goods or the charge for the Professional Services;
  25. “Privacy Policy” refers to Luxauro’s Privacy Policy, available at https://Luxauro.com/privacy/ or TF Empires’ Privacy Policy, available at https://TFEmpires.com/privacy-policy/ and incorporated herein by reference;
  26. Products” refers to the items that Merchants list for sale on the Site or through the Platform Services;
  27. “Project” refers to a Founder’s fundraising campaign project through Our Site and Platform Services;
  28. “Project Deliverables” refers to crowdfunding Projects’ main item(s) or purpose for which Founders are requesting funding for their Projects. Project Deliverables may or may not be the same as Project Rewards;
  29. “Rewards,” “Benefits,” or “Benefit Packages” refers to the gifts, items, or services offered by Project Owners to their Contributors;
  30. “Specification” refers to any plans, drawings, data, or other information relating to the Goods or Professional Services;
  31. “Submission” refers to any submission, comment, or suggestion on the Site, whether public or private, including, but not limited to, ideas, Products, Professional Services, know-how, concepts, suggested changes, additions, or improvements;
  32. “Suite” refers to the store of any Merchant or GMG Professional on the Tribrid platform in which they can display their Products for sale or rent or their Professional Services for hire;
  33. “Terms” or “Terms of Use” refers to the Tribrid’s Terms of Use (this agreement), Additional Policies, the Tribrid’s Privacy Policy, all applicable laws, and all conditions or policies referenced here;
  34. “TF Empires” refers to the Tribrid platform’s crowdfunding portion of the Site and Platform Services;
  35. TorqueForm,” “Tribrid,” or “Triune” refers to the website(s) or services of Luxauro, Goldevine, or any of their parents, subsidiaries, DBAs, or affiliates, individually or collectively;
  36. Tribrid Content” refers to Content provided by Luxauro, Goldevine, or any of their parents, subsidiaries, DBAs, or affiliates, individually or collectively, to Users in connection with the Platform Services, including, without limitation, the software, the Products, the Professional Services, the Site, and the Platform Services;
  37. “User,” “You,” or ” Your” refers to Merchants, Gold Metal Guild Professionals, Project Owners, Contributors, any visitor to the Site, or User of the Site or Platform Services, either individually or collectively;
  38. “User Content” refers to any Content that has been uploaded, transmitted, or posted to Our Platform Services by a User, including, but not limited to, User Content in a User profile, Merchant profile or store, GMG Professional profile, or TF Empires Project page;
  39. “Warranty Policy” refers to this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy and any link or reference to an individual Merchant’s or GMG Professional’s return, refund, and cancellation policy;

  40. “We,” “Our,” “Us,” or “Company” refers to Luxauro, LLC, a Montana limited liability company, “Bloominggolds,” “Gold Metal Guild,” “Goldorado,” “Indie Arcadia,” “LuxCyber Plaza,” “Palazzo Frassati,” and “Victor & Angela,” which are assumed business names of Luxauro, LLC, Goldevine, LLC, a Montana limited liability company, and “TF Empires” and “Untreadable,” which are assumed business names of Goldevine, LLC, together with their parents, subsidiaries, DBAs, affiliates, agents, representatives, consultants, employees, officers, and directors;

  41. “Website” or “Site” refers to any and all website(s) or services of the Tribrid, individually or collectively.

Luxauro Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy Overview

By creating an account on Luxauro, Merchants, GMG Professionals, and customers explicitly agree to this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations policy. Any Merchant or GMG Professional on the TorqueForm, who does not already have their own approved return, refund, and cancellation policy clearly established, acknowledges and agrees to this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy as the default standard. Any Merchant or GMG Professional may submit their own return, refund, and cancellation policy for Our review. We will examine all submitted return, refund, and cancellation policies to ensure a consistent and fair customer experience across our platform. We reserve the right to amend, edit, or delete, in part or in whole, any return, refund, and cancellation policy that has been submitted for Our review. We reserve the right to monitor, suspend, or terminate the account of any Merchant or GMG Professional who violates this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy or who does not abide by their own established return, refund, and cancellation policy that has already been approved by Us. This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations policy applies to all Merchants and GMG Professionals that are registered on the TorqueForm, encompassing all Products and Professional Services offered through Our platform. Returns, refunds, product replacements, and cancellations on Luxauro will be negotiated solely between the Merchant or GMG Professional and the purchaser of any Product(s) of said Merchant or any Professional Service(s) of said GMG Professional according to that Merchants or GMG Professional’s established return, refund, and cancellation policy, and if the Merchant or GMG Professional does not have their own clearly established return, refund, and cancellation policy that has been approved by Us, then only Luxauro’s Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy will apply.

For Merchants and GMG Professionals

As a Merchant or GMG Professional, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • If You do not already have Your own established return, refund, and cancellation policy for Your Products or Professional Services that has been approved by Us, then, by default, You will honor this Luxauro Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy and accept any return, refund, product replacement, or cancellation requests according to the terms of this policy;

    • We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend or terminate the account of any Merchant or GMG Professional who does not adhere to their approved established return, refund, and cancellation policy;

  • Merchants must provide a minimum return, refund, and cancellation policy to account for item(s) that arrive damaged, degraded, destroyed, unusable, not as depicted or described, or where the item did not arrive at all;

  • GMG Professionals must provide a minimum return, refund, and cancellation policy within their Professional Services contracts and any available Gold Seal Specials;

  • Merchants and GMG Professionals will respond promptly within seventy-two (72) hours of receiving any return, refund, product replacement, or cancellation request from a customer who has purchased from you;

    • If You do not respond within this time frame, then we may suspend or terminate your Merchant or GMG Professional account.

  • Any return, refund, and cancellation policy that you submit to Us is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations relative to your Product(s), Professional Service, and/or type of business.

For Customers

You, as a customer, acknowledge and agree that:

  • You are solely responsible, and that Luxauro will not be held liable, for initiating any return, refund, cancellation, or Product replacement request process for any Product sold by any Merchant or Professional Service offered by any GMG Professional on the platform;

  • We have no responsibility or liability to obtain a return, refund, or product replacement on your behalf;

  • You are solely responsible for reading and understanding the warranties and return, refund, and cancellation policy of any Merchant or GMG Professional with whom you transact business.

What This Policy Does Not Cover

This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy is not applicable to any TF Empires crowdfunding projects or campaigns or any form of crowdfunding campaign. In all cases, please refer to the return, refund, and cancellation policy of the specific Merchant, the GMG Professional’s Professional Service Contract or Gold Seal Special, the TF Empires crowdfunding project, or the Luxauro Charter Product for rent for the applicable return, refund, and cancellation policy terms.

Luxauro Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policy

  • Most items may be returned within thirty (30) days of delivery if returned in the same condition it was delivered and in the original, unopened packaging.

  • Cancelling an order before it has shipped entitles the Customer to a full refund for the original purchase price.

    • If an order is cancelled after it has shipped, the Customer may be able to return the item and receive a refund, but this will be subject to the specific terms of the seller’s return, refund, and cancellation policy.

  • The default cancellation time period for which a Customer may receive a full refund for a booked Professional Services appointment is twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled booking time, i.e., a Customer must cancel his/her booked appointment with a GMG Professional no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the commencement time of the scheduled appointment in order for the Customer to receive a full refund for that cancelled appointment.

  • The default cancellation time period for which a Customer may receive a full refund for a Merchant’s Charter reservation is seven (7) days prior to the scheduled reservation date and time, i.e., a Customer must cancel his/her Charter reservation no less than seven (7) days before the scheduled date and time of the reservation in order for the Customer to receive a full refund for that cancelled reservation.

  • Any product with a value of or exceeding thirty-five ($35) USD must be returned using a trackable shipment method.

  • Some return and refund exceptions are:

    • Any used items, unless specified otherwise by the Merchant;

    • Where refunding or returning an item is prohibited by law, we will not accept returns and we will not provide refunds for such products;

    • Perishable items including, but not limited to, food, fresh food, beverages, plants, and flowers, excepting where the item arrived damaged, degraded, destroyed, unusable, where the item could pose a health risk due to the condition in which it arrived, where the item was not as depicted or described, or where the item did not arrive at all. If you are returning the item for one of the above exceptions, you must communicate with the Merchant to arrange a return and refund, and you must contact the Merchant within 48 hours from the delivery date and follow the Merchant’s packaging instructions when returning the item to the Merchant;

    • Sanitary products, cosmetics, skin care products, personal grooming products, hygiene related products, medical related products, medical devices, and protective and safety equipment unless specified otherwise by the Merchant and still contained in their original, unopened packaging;

    • Undergarments and swimwear if worn or taken out of original packaging, unless specified otherwise by the Merchant and still contained in their original, unopened packaging;

    • Custom created or made-to-order items, unless specified otherwise by the Merchant;

    • Items that have sustained noticeable use or wear and tear since delivery. Merchants may request details and/or images of the product(s) intended to be returned before agreeing to accept any return request;

    • Gift cards and prepaid cards;

    • Subscriptions are non-returnable and non-refundable after the period of the subscription has passed, or the product has been delivered. You must communicate with the Merchant to arrange any possible prorated or partial return and/or refund;

    • Auctioned items are non-returnable and non-refundable unless specified otherwise by the Merchant;

    • Downloadable software;

    • Digital music, games, and apps;

    • Computer devices including, but not limited to, SSDs, HDDs, RAM, CDs, DVDs, BlueRays, and thumbdrives are non-returnable and nonrefundable, excepting where such products arrived damaged, unusable, or not in accordance with the product’s specs. or where such product was never opened;

    • Any hazardous materials including, but not limited to, chemicals, solvents, paint, or flammable items;

    • Certain media items including, but not limited to, books, movies, games, magazines, and newspapers;

    • Event and transportation tickets such as, but not limited to, concert, movie, or event tickets, airline tickets and booking reservations;

    • Art, collectibles, and antiques.

  • Any items that are deemed to be “non-returnable” or “non-refundable” must be NOTICEABLY and OBVIOUSLY marked as such.

  • Any items that have a “product specific return policy” and/or “product specific warranty” must be NOTICEABLY and OBVIOUSLY marked as such.

  • Products exceeding five hundred ($500) USD may have their own specific returns, refunds, and cancellations policy and product warranty. 

  • Insurance is required for shipments of products exceeding five hundred ($500) USD.

  • Products exceeding five hundred ($500) USD are to be quality checked upon delivery and acceptance by purchaser and are to be considered non-returnable and non-refundable unless the product-specific policy or the Merchant explicitly states otherwise.

  • Some products may have their own “product specific policy” and, unless such policy states otherwise, are to be considered non-returnable and non-refundable upon the purchaser’s accepting said product.

  • Merchants and GMG Professionals must provide clear instructions on how returns, refunds, and cancellations should be processed, including an accessible and easy-to-use return portal or customer service contact.

  • The responsibility for return shipping costs must be clearly defined by the Merchant. If the return is due to an error by the Merchant (e.g., incorrect item), the Merchant must cover return shipping costs.

  • Merchants must process refunds within 14 business days of receiving the returned product.

  • Merchants and GMG Professionals should issue refunds to the original payment method used during purchase unless otherwise agreed upon with the customer.

  • Depending on when returns or refunds are processed by the Merchant or GMG Professional and charges are reversed, it may take additional time for the financial institution to process and make the funds available in the customer’s account.

  • Merchants and GMG Professionals must provide a transparent process for resolving disputes related to returns, refunds, and cancellations.

  • In order to prevent and detect any acts of fraud or abuse, we may require additional information and/or documentation from you, such as, but not limited to, government-issued photo ID, before a return or refund process may begin. All personal information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy (link in the footer).

Changes to This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy

This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy is effective as of 06/20/2024 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page. This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy may be amended at any point in time at Our sole discretion by posting a revised version. Unless stated otherwise, any accessing or using of Our Site or continued use of our Platform Services after the effective date of any revised version constitutes Your acceptance of that revised version. If We make any material change to this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy or any portion therein, Our posting of the revised version on Our website, a notice on Our Site, through the Platform Services, or by other means that We deem appropriate such as an email sent to Your email address that We have on file will serve as adequate notification. As a Merchant, GMG Professional, or Customer on Our platform, if You do not agree to this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy, You may not access or use the Site or Platform Services. This Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy may be translated into other languages and should any conflicts arise between this English version and any translations, the English version shall control.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Returns, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy, please contact us through our web form or via email.

You may also contact us at:

Luxauro, LLC

P.O. Box 904

Condon, MT, 59826