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E-Commerce of the TorqueForm

Re-Engineering E-Commerce to Empower You

Account Security Best Practices

Account Security Quickstart Guide

Optimizing your account security can help prevent account vulnerability. There are several ways account holders can optimize their account security. In this post we’ll cover:

  • Enabling  2 FA
  • Password Strength

Enabling 2FA: We encourage you to enable 2FA on your account, you can view our article here: https://luxauro.com/enable-2fa/

Password Strength: Always use strong passwords. Our recommendations are: 12 characters, use lowercase and uppercase letters, use numbers, use symbols, do not use birthdays or other important dates, do not use pet names, nicknames, or any other “personal” info that hackers could find on your social media accounts. We recommend using a random password generator! 

We hope this post helps you secure your account! If you need more info explore our documentation or other support posts.