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Terms and Policies

Become a Luxauro Merchant or a GMG Professional


Unlike some other marketplaces, we don't try to lock you in to our platform. You can sell cheaper elsewhere. You can utilize the warehouse and shipping providers you prefer.

Free Trade

We empower local and small businesses through specialized marketplaces such as Luxauro Fresh, Luxaurolicous, Indie Arcadia, and Luxauro Charters, Legacy, Vintage & Antique Markets.

Minimal Charges

Luxauro's platform fee is 7% (excluding taxes and payment processing fees), with a low monthly merchant or professional fee, allowing merchants and professionals to make more while charging less.

Trust + Security

The TorqueForm is engineered and operated with secure open source software trusted and implemented by thousands of other businesses around the globe.

Secure Payments

All payments made through any part of the TorqueForm (Luxauro, Gold Metal Guild, and TF Empires) are handled by Stripe, insuring our customers' information is kept secure.

TorqueForm Leverage

Luxauro is the only marketplace built on the TorqueForm, the new Tribrid patent pending enterprising platform integrating professional networking, e-commerce, and crowdfunding.

Minimal Ads

Luxauro puts organic search results over advertising. When customers search for products, results are based off the search terms, giving relavent products priority over paid advertisements.

Specialized Markets

Through the TorqueForm, Luxauro extends its capabilities and reaches beyond the standard marketplace, empowering merchants, founders, professionals, and shoppers.

Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy.

Stacked Subscriptions

By charging a flat 7% referral fee and a minimal monthly subscription charge, Luxauro enables small businesses to sell for less while making more, and at the same time provides the perfect scalability for large companies with thousands of products.

Create an Account in Minutes

Creating your Luxauro Merchant and/or Gold Metal Guild (GMG) Professional account is as simple as entering your information and business details, and then connecting to Stripe to receive payments.

Simple Suite Setup

Feature your company details and customize your suite to create an ambiance and style that conveys your business’ purpose. Connect your social accounts, link your website, add a logo and banner. Your office,  showroom, or shop is set for success!

Sell Products and Services

View tutorials to walk you through how to get started on leveraging the potential of the TorqueForm. From creating your account to becoming a merchant with products (from simple one-size fits most products to entire restaurant menus), or offering GMG Gold Seal packages (service packages).



Luxauro Merchants can:

- Sell variable products

- Sell customizable products

- Arrange local pickup or delivery

- Offer reservations & pre-orders

- Charter products (offer for rent)

GMG Professionals can:

- Offer professional services

- Create Gold Seal Specials

- Network with other professionals

- Receive payment for services

- Schedule pre-paid appointments

Luxauro Merchant Subscriptions

First 50 Luxauro Merchant & GMG Professionals to Register Only

3 Months Free Trial -Luxauro Merchant & GMG Professional Platinum Subscription. Offer unlimited products and unlimited Gold Seal Specials. Referral fee of just 7% (plus the 4-5% Stripe charges). Start today.

Get 3 Months Free Now


Sell Up To 7 Products
  • Sell Up to 7 Unique Products at Once
  • No Sale Limit
  • Referral Fees of Just 7%
  • No Hidden Charges


Sell Up To 250 Products
$ 15 /month
  • 250 Unique Product Listings
  • Referral Fees of Just 7%
  • No Sale Limit
  • No Hidden Charges
Free Trial


Sell Up To 5,000 Products
$ 25 /month
  • 5,000 Unique Product Listings
  • Referral Fees of Just 7%
  • No Sale Limit
  • No Hidden Charges
Free Trial


$ 40 /month
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • Offer Unlimited Gold Seal Specials
  • Referral Fees of Just 7%
  • No Sale Limit
  • No Hidden Charges
Free Trial

Merchant and Professional Resources

Merchant and GMG Professional Terms

In addition to the Terms of Use,  Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Luxauro Merchant & GMG Professional Terms of Use, Merchants and Professionals must also read and understand the Returns & Refunds and Cancellations Policy and the Copyright & DMCA Policy..

TorqueForm Product & Content Guidelines

General Guidelines on products, services and any and all content that can be found or sold on the TorqueForm, (including explanations of the specific limitations) are available on the Product and Content Guidelines page.

The TorqueForm Support Center

Luxauro’s Support Center can be found here: https://luxauro.com/support, it is filled with helpful information and posts covering topics from account support, technical documentation, security & fraud prevention, and site policies.