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      Co-TFPilot is being trained to aid in comprehension of the TorqueForm and XSE and assists in initiating critical and creative thinking skills encouraging masterly analysis on your own and promoting decisions of optimal choices. Simultaneously, Co-TFPilot is being trained to leverage the benefits of the TorqueForm operated using XSE strategies to open up new horizons and possibilities of sourcing to maximize any system’s potential. Please note that Co-TFPilot is still in early stages of training, so if Co-TFPilot does not state “Searching my Knowledge” while preparing a response, there is an increased chance that an erroneous answer will be produced. If Co-TFPilot does this, please re-query, directing the AI to Search its knowledge in order to provide a correct answer. Even then, Co-TFPilot is only AI, and therefore, cannot fully be relied upon for accuracy. Still, Co-TFPilot has been found to be an invaluable asset of the Triptych Fusion in order to help explain the system, XSE (Independent Integration Systems Engineering), The TorqueForm, and its applicability and value. Co-TFPilot can be accessed from the TorqueForm, or almost anywhere on the Tribrid of Luxauro, Gold Metal Guild, or TF Empires. When Co-TFPilot is on break, away from work at the TorqueForm, you can still contact Co-TFPilot at home by going to and searching for Co-TFPilot in the custom GPTs.

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